Monday, December 28, 2009

Sexual Problems in women

It is very important to know about your general health related problems and to have treatment for the same. In the same fashion it is significant to know about your sexual health and have treatment of it. There are some sexual health problems in female which patient report to their doctor they are as follows.

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder: It is a kind of disorder in which female lack in sexual desire. They don’t have sexual interest and never takes initiative for sex. Such kind of disorder creates relationship problem with partner. Treatment for this is intrinsa patch if the reason is insufficient sexual hormone called testosterone.

Sexual aversion disorder: It can be due to sexual trauma in child hood or due to relationship issue between couples. A symptom of SAD is that when patient has given opportunity for sex they panic or experience extreme anxiety. Treatment for sexual aversion disorder can be solving the relations issues.

Female sexual arousal disorder: In arousal disorder problem female does not get sexually aroused even if they willing to have sex with the partner. Main reason for arousal disorder is fewer amounts of sex hormone and less blood circulation to clitoris. It is treated by using intrinsa patches and improving blood circulation through exercise.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Intrinsa as Female Viagra

Female sexual dysfunction is a serious problem due to which stress and frustration increases as females face problems like arousal disorder, desire disorder and have problem in achieving orgasm. A healthy sexual relationship certainly makes a positive impact on the general well being of an individual. It is advisable to stick to a systematic dietary plan that consists of more fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. Staying away from fatty and cholesterol-rich food materials will make things easier for you. Maintaining a healthy and fit body keeps a person's body ready for sex. It is highly advised to aging men and women to eat a well-balanced diet that includes veggies and fruits by which person get necessary nutrients and helps for sexual desire and sexual energy or libido. Exercising helps for tuning the body and increases the blood circulation to all parts of body which is very important reason for sexual desire. Eating regular nutritious meals, staying active, not drinking too much alcohol, and not smoking are important for your overall health and also helps for sexual performance.

Even if you do the exercise, take nutrients rich diet and does not get good sexual health then you should consult to doctor because there may be deficiency of sex hormones which you will need to increase through testosterone patches. It is patch which increases the testosterone level in the body which is very much essential for sexual arousal and desire.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why unsatisfied sex?

Women at later age of their life face many problems including the sexual dysfunction. Female sexual dysfunction can be due to age or menopause or after hysterectomy done. Women who have early surgical menopause done have lot of hormonal changes in their body. Testosterone as well as estrogen levels in their body decrease and consequently they have low sex desire. Sexual problems disturb the life of their own as well as of their partner. When women does not have satisfied sexual activity they face psychological problems like
Relationship problems with partner
Whatever may be reason for female sexual dysfunction you can treat with intrinsa patch. It contains the testosterone hormones which is responsible for sexual desire. When hormone is supplied to body through blood stream the deficiency of hormones gets make up after which women feel sexually aroused. You can buy intrinsa patch online if you have valid prescription you just need to submit your medical details and personal details which is evaluated by GMC doctor if he prescribes then you can buy intrinsa online and get free delivery at your doorstep with free of cost.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Testosterone in form of Patch, Cream and Gel

Testosterone patches are approved treatment for female sexual dysfunction. It is very easy to use you just need apply on the abdomen twice a week. Prior to it wash application area with water and make sure that application area does not have hairs because it pains while removing the patch. A testosterone hormone is also supplied to body through cream, gel or via tablets. Let us look which is best way to supply sex hormone into body out of patch, cream, gel and tablets.

Cream has more side effects than patch.
Cream has more side effects comparatively to patches. Additional side effects include liver complications, yellowing of eyes and skin. Maximum use of cream makes the blood level to a toxic level. Apart from these menstrual irregularities and enlargement of the clitoris are other side effects which you can get from cream based product. Whereas side effects are less if you use patch.

Comparing patches from gel based product
If you use gel it is possible that gel may get transfer to another person if he or she comes in contact with area of skin where gel is applied. But in case of patches no one can come in contact as patch is stick on skin so there is no harm to other person.
It can also be supplied via injection which is very fearful and painful. Tablets or pills are other options which can be used but not convenient as patch.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

3 Tips for Good Sexual Health

Everyone wants to be sexually fit and enjoy their sexual life with partner. These days men and women are not sexually fit due to their lifestyle. Following are tips to maintain good sexual health.

Exercise: Exercise is necessary for sexual health because when one does physical work blood circulation gets improved after which person gets sexually aroused and feels to have sex.

Nutritional Diets: Diet should include mainly Zinc and vitamins which you can get through banana, papaya, pomegranate, and blue berries. Vegetables like spinach, garlic, ginger and basil are also good for sexual health.

Maintain weight: One should not be overweight or should not suffer from obesity. Overweight people have decreased libido or decreased sex energy.
Though above 3 are most important tips for good sexual health beside these one should also take sufficient rest and feel relax from their hectic work schedule. General and sexual health for both one should be away from stress, because stress and depression won’t allow for sexual arousal or for sex drive.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

Female sexual arousal disorder is sexual dysfunction in women which is also called female sexual dysfunction. FSD can be due to physical or psychological factors.

Let us see first Physical Factors:
Intake of Alcohol: Taking alcohol decreases the hormones level which can is factor for sexual dysfunction, apart from alcohol smoking should also be stopped as it also has negative effects on sexual health.
Medical Conditions: Diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, peptic ulcer, any type of cancer are health problems which causes problem in sexual desire and arousal.

Psychological Factors are mentioned below:
Depression: It is one of the most common causes found in a woman which does not allow sexual arousal.
Stress: Stress becomes an obstacle in sexual arousal, when person does not feel happy or remains in tension can’t have sexual arousal. Tension may be of career or of family matters.
Fatigue: Temporary loss of energy and strength which is result of physical hard work or mental work. Women can’t get sexually arouse if they are tired from their work.
Poor self esteem, feeling guilty about having sex are other psychological factors which causes female sexual dysfunction.

Treatment for female sexual dysfunction: It can be cured by doing regular exercise or counseling with expert can be best option for couples. Apart from these intrinsa patch can be used by getting prescription from GP. You just need to apply patch on abdomen which releases testosterone into blood stream through skin.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Yoga, Excercise and Sexual Health

Practicing yoga is good for body, and for sexual health. Yoga can be done at anytime, anywhere when you have time but most appropriate time is early morning. it is better if done at quiet spot where person is not disturbed. Quiet and cool place will help to concentrate while practicing yoga. There are many benefits of yoga in sexual health let see some of them mention as under.
Greater flexibility: yoga makes body flexible. Different asans are just like tool for your body that makes body flexible after which you can dare different positions.
Greater strength: practicing yoga makes body strong as well as improves stamina of body. It will definitely help to satisfy yourself and your partner which will also bring pleasure in life.
You can develop confidence by clearing your mind and focusing on breath helping in being more aware of yourself. But breathing should be deep while inhaling and should exhale slowly. While practicing such breathing technique will make re-energized. Good and regular session of yoga makes the healthy and active sexual life.

Female sexual dysfunction can be due to removal of ovaries, due to age or happens all of sudden after menopause. No doubt Intrinsa patch is treatment for FSD but at same time physical therapy can also help to overcome the female sexual dysfunction. Physical therapy like exercise and aerobics improves the blood circulation in body which is most important factor for good sexual function. As the blood flow will increase in body female gets for sexual arousal. Healthy sexual function requires physical, mental and emotional well being. Physical therapy help in relieving pain and achieving optimal sexual function by which female can get sexually satisfied. Emotional cause like stress and frustration can also be treated with exercise after which women can be sexually satisfied. Apart from exercise and aerobics yoga can also be done to improve the stamina.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fruits and Vegetables for Sexual Health

An aphrodisiac is substance which increases the sexual desire. There are many fruits and vegetables which help to increase sexual desire naturally in men and women. Fruits and vegetables should posses the nutritious. Following is list of fruits and vegetables which should be taken for increasing sexual desire naturally.
Bananas contain vitamin B that converts carbohydrates into energy. It is said to boost the production of sex hormones like testosterone.
Papaya is estrogenic; it has compounds that act as the female hormone estrogen. It helps to increase the libido.
Avocado increases the female and male libido and contains vitamin B6, which enhances the production of male hormones.
Blueberries have vitamins and other nutrients in it that will help you increase your sexual stamina.
Pomegranate known by many as the 'love apple’ is an aphrodisiac that arouses sexual desire.
Figs are rich in amino acids, which increase libido and boost sexual stamina.
Zinc should be taken in good amount to increase the libido. Zinc is used to increase the testosterone level in body which increases sexual desire. Vitamin B-1, B-2 and B-3 are necessary for healthy sex drive. You can find vitamin B-1 in grains and nuts. Vitamin B-2 is found in bananas. Vitamin B-3 creates improved blood flow and is important for sex hormones and to increase sexual desire. Vitamin E helps with sex hormone production and improves circulation - it is found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Spinach has zinc if taken in meal at regular basis helps for sexual desire
Garlic is loaded with full of zinc same as spinach.
Ginger root stimulates circulation and increases blood flow to the vital sexual organ.
Basil increases circulation and is beneficial in stimulating the sex drive and boosting fertility.
Fennel has a libido-enhancing effect as it is rich in an estrogens-like substance.
Celery helps to heighten the mood in women. It also contains the male hormone called androsterone that enhances masculine characteristics and initiates female attraction.
Apart from above vegetables almond and cardamom have great importance in concern of sexual desire which is described below
Almond contains essential fatty acids, which is important in the production of male hormones to regulate sex drive.
Cardamom is a powerful aphrodisiac and is helpful in treating impotence.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Test Report of Intrinsa Patch

Procter & Gamble presented following test report after study
Intrinsa patch was produced in September 2004 which was tested on some surgically menopausal women for trial of product. Studies show that surgically menopause women have low sex desire due to less amount of testosterone in body. After the removal of ovaries the testosterone is not produced in body so female sexual dysfunction problem arises.
Study of 562 patients: Intrinsa patch increased the frequency of satisfying sexual intercourse with 74%. The trial also showed 56% increased sexual desire in women. The patients who used Intrinsa reported an average of 2.13 sexual intercourses in 4 weeks compared to .98 sexual activities in women who used placebo.
Study of 533 women: 49% women experienced increased sexual desire and 51% women experienced increased in the frequency of satisfying sexual intercourses. An average of 1.53 sexual episodes in four weeks for Intrinsa users compared to .73 for those on placebo.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Female Libido Enhancer

It is common for people with obesity problems to complain of problems in the area of sex drive and desire. Eating more nutritious foods can also help the matter because it contributes to your overall health and will make you feel better which also improves libido. You can also get your libido at peak by entertaining yourself with some thought provoking sexy novels that will boost your libido and will be stress at nadir. Female libido can be enhanced by intrinsa patch which is also called testosterone patches. Female libido is increased by supplying testosterone. Testosterone is hormone for sex in men and women when amount of hormone decreases the libido in women get loss. It can be improved by using intrinsa patch but should be used after the consulting to doctor because it is prescription treatment. Intrinsa patch contains the testosterone which is released into blood stream through skin you just need to apply on abdomen then it starts working.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How to buy Intrinsa patches online UK

Women can order Intrinsa online if they have valid prescription from General practitioner or doctor. Intrinsa is prescription treatment so one should have prescription with them. Women can buy intrinsa online from online pharmacy if you don’t have prescription you can go for online clinic which provides prescription. All you need to do is just fill online questionnaire which consist of medical details and personal details. Medical details are evaluated by doctor if he feels that person is suffering from female sexual dysfunction then he provides with prescription which enables you to buy intrinsa online. Before you order intrinsa online you should go with side effects. There are some side effects like rash, irritation, itching on skin. There are some rare side effects like weight gain, hair growth on chin an upper lips. One should not use the intrinsa patch if you are pregnant or about to get pregnant and if you do breast feed the baby because it may affect the child. If you are patient of diabetes, heart or kidney problems then you should mention it clearly because such patient needs special care.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Sexual Health

Female sexual dysfunction can be caused by malnutrition. Deficiency of omega-3 fatty acid can decrease the libido. A well balanced food or diet is necessary for good sexual function in female. Diet should contain the calcium, magnesium, zinc. Multivitamin food helps for developing libido or sexual energy. One should avoid stimulants like caffeine. Avoid trans fats and polyunsaturated vegetables oils like corn oil and soybean oil. Vitamin c helps to improve blood flow in body and blood flow is very necessary for sexual arousal so diet should contain the vitamin c. vitamin E, zinc and magnesium helps for production of hormones in body. Vitamin B is also important that plays its role in the production of energy and is also a most important nutrient for healthy functioning of nerves. Low levels of Vitamin B in the body mean lower level of libido.
Apart from nourished food, exercise and yoga can help a lot to increase the libido. Exercise and yoga increases the blood flow in body which improves the sexual energy.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Smoking linked with female sexual dysfunction

Smoking increases the risk of early menopause in women. A teenager smoker girl could have symptoms of early menopause comparative to nonsmoker’s women. Menstrual problems such as abnormal bleeding, amenorrhea (absence of period) and vaginal infections are common complaint among women who smoke. Menstrual abnormalities and early menopause may be caused by toxic effect on ovaries or by significantly lower levels of estrogens noted in studies of women smokers. Cigarettes contain nicotine which restricts the blood flow in body. Women get sexually aroused after the clitoris and vagina get swell up with blood circulation in body. Female sexual dysfunction has deep concern with smoking. It is very necessary to be away from smoking for better sexual health and sexual life. Smoking has also concern with heart disease and diabetes of which tablets are not good for female sexual life. Altogether we can understand that smoking decreases the testosterone level in body which is the main hormone for sex in men and women. All you need to do is stop smoking for increasing libido.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Symptoms of FSD

Women should be aware if they feel sexual problems such as arousal disorder, desire disorder, and orgasm disorder. Let us understand types of disorders in details. Arousal disorder is problem in which women is incapable of achieving sexual arousal, Desire disorder can be defined as less or no libido after normal arousal, women have very less interest or no interest and do not respond for sexually activity and orgasm disorder is defined as diminished intensity of orgasm, delay or absence of orgasm.
Causes of FSD
Emotional cause such as stress, depression, and relationship problems can be source of sexual problems. Physical causes are hormone problems, and certain other condition such as diabetes and arthritis disease can also be the cause. Aging causes can be dryness in vagina and less lubrication. Certain medicines like blood pressure (hypertension) and diabetes can create sexual problem.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Intrinsa Sex Booster Patch

Intrinsa is sex booster patch used to treat female sexual dysfunction. This Transdermal patch transfers the testosterone from patch through skin (derma) into bloodstream. Women who suffer from sexual problems use this intrinsa patch to cure the sexual problems. Female sexual dysfunction is most common problem in which they have sexual desire disorder, arousal disorder, orgasm disorder. There are many treatments like pills, patch, and gel for sexual dysfunction out of which intrinsa patch is most convenient to use and it is effective as well. For treating FSD you just need to apply patch on the abdomen or stomach. Women with low sex drive can boost with this patch and also cure other sexual problems.
Side effects of intrinsa
There are some common side effects which occur if intrinsa patch is used they are rash, irritation, itching, and redness around the area of application. Apart from this women may also experience some rare side effects such as hair loss, acne, migraine, insomnia, hair growth on the chin or upper lip, pain in breasts, and weight gain.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Testosterone Hormone

Testosterone is hormone responsible for sex in both men and women. Sufficient level of testosterone in body is necessary for smooth sexual function. When the level of testosterone and estrogen decreases women suffers from the female sexual dysfunction (FSD). Sufficient amount of testosterone helps in sexual desire, arousal desire and ability to achieve the orgasm. . As women get older testosterone level decreases regularly which leads to desire disorder, arousal disorder, orgasm disorder. Female sexual dysfunction patients have low level of testosterone and estrogen, for increasing the level of testosterone, intrinsa patch is used. Intrinsa patch is approved treatment. Testosterone is main ingredient in intrinsa patch which is a product of proctor & Gamble. Sufficient amount of testosterone is necessary for satisfied sexual activity, insufficient amount leads to unsatisfied sexual activity which further causes stress and frustration in life.

Monday, March 16, 2009

What is Female Sexual Dysfunction?

Female sexual dysfunction is arousal disorder, orgasm disorder, desire disorder. Arousal disorder is inability to achieve and progress through the stages of normal female arousal. Orgasm disorder can be defined as diminished intensity of orgasm, delay or absence of orgasm after normal arousal. Desire disorder is diminished or a complete absence of libido, in this disorder there is very little or no interest in initiating sex. There are many women who are suffering from sexual dysfunction because of their age or menopause or after hysterectomy done. FSD can be treated by using intrinsa patch. An unsatisfied sexual activity leads to frustration and stress which impact on life of both men and women. For becoming a happiest couple it is necessary to be sexually satisfied.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Importance of Sexual life

It is necessary to be satisfied with your sexual life so as to become happy in your life. Women have duty to meet their partner’s sexual needs. Many women are unable to do so because they suffer from female sexual dysfunction in which they have low sex desire or low libido. Pleasurable sex is necessary for happy life otherwise it would affect emotions. Sexual satisfaction is need same as one does have for food, cloth and shelter. Many couples live with unsatisfied sexual life due to either one of them which can be harder in life, they must go for exact problem and try to solve for their happy life. If problem is sexual dysfunction then it can be cured with medicine. Study showed that sexual satisfied people are happy and work better than unsatisfied people.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Testosterone hormone for sexual arousal

Testosterone is main hormone which is responsible for sex arousal or sex drive in women. Female sexual dysfunction is condition in which sexual problem like low sexual arousal, low sex drive, or problem in achieving orgasm occurs. Such sexual problem may happen because of age or menopause or after hysterectomy done. Women who have early surgical menopause done have lot of hormonal changes in their body. Testosterone as well as estrogen levels in their body decrease and consequently they have low sex desire. By using testosterone patches or intrinsa patch female sexual dysfunction or hypoactive sexual desire disorder can be cured. Many women suffering from FSD have got sexual satisfaction by using intrinsa testosterone patch. You just need to apply on abdomen once in 24 hours; patch will release the testosterone into blood stream through skin as the level of testosterone increases the sexual desire will increase. As intrinsa patch is prescription treatment one should use after consulting doctor.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Testosterone patches to treat FSD

Many women feel low sexual arousal, low sex drive, less pleasure during sexual intercourse or problem in achieving orgasm. Such condition may be occurred due age or menopause or after hysterectomy done. Women who have early surgical menopause done have lot of hormonal changes in their body. Women should not worry because they can treat such problems by using testosterone patches. Testosterone is hormone which is responsible for sex arousal in women .If you are living in the UK, and then you can easily buy testosterone patches after doing a medical consultation. This process may suit most women due to its convenience and confidential nature. Intrinsa Patch is applied on the abdomen once in 24 hours but should be applied after washing skin with water on application area preferably after taking bath. It has also got some side effects which are rash irritation, itching, redness. By using intrinsa patch couples can enjoy their sexual life and have pleasure in life.